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Communication Skills for the Workplace

Good communication can prevent relationship meltdowns, workplace failures or obstacles that prevent a team from being successful. The Stop-Look-Listen framework helps improve communication at work.

3 Steps to Calm Parenting

3 Steps to Calm Parenting

So much of parenting involves routines, micro managing, setting expectations, creating structure. If you are a parent with or without support, with or without a job (besides parenting), you will have stress.

3 Ways To Hack Into Your Psyche

3 Ways To Hack Into Your Psyche

You were not taught how to build your self-knowledge. The truth is this is not taught in school or university.Your parents may have been knowledgeable in other areas of life but not when it comes to having a good handle of who they are and how they operate.You have gone through different traumatic experiences

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The 3 Lies You Tell Yourself About Your Work Addiction

Work addiction is the compulsive drive toward spending most of your attention and material and emotional resources toward work at the expense of other important aspects of your life such as your health and time with your loved one.

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How To Prevent Unnecessary Dating Misery

If you are single and have tried dating someone with the hope that you would find your potential life partner, you have learned that dating is far from a smooth process.

Psychology Blog Dubai

What Is Self-Esteem?

Self-esteem is a tricky concept. Everyone who does not have good self-esteem knows what it feels like to lack confidence and a sense of self-worth but it is difficult to define self-esteem.

Psychologist for Children

How to Parent with Kindness

Each time I choose to be kind instead of cruel, to understand rather than judge, to accept rather than reject, my children, no matter what their ages, are nourished and grow stronger

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