
Quality over Quantity: Introducing More Harmony into Life

The pressure of being a ‘super woman’

Many women today are expected to have many roles–perhaps that of a good friend, a wonderful wife, a caring mother, a productive colleague, a high-powered senior executive or that of a successful entrepreneur. Societal pressures and expectations of our modern world lead us to believe that we need to be a ‘super woman’. In trying to achieve perfection, women lose harmony from their lives.

However, the pressure to fulfill any combination of or even all of these roles at once is immense and it can be a significant challenge to try and reconcile the potentially conflicting commitments each role demands. It is no wonder that if we feel that we cannot be anything less than perfect then we may become anxious, stressed and sleep-deprived–and at some point we may simply not be able to take it anymore.

Slowly, we may start to believe that we are not good enough and wonder why we cannot manage everything. Self-denigrating thoughts may start racing in our heads evoking powerful negative emotions such as guilt, of not being able to cope. These emotions, in turn, may develop into feelings of resentment and sadness as we question and wonder why no-one is appreciative, recognizes what we do for them or supports us in what we are trying to achieve.

In a classic scenario, many mothers pursuing a career for self-fulfillment reasons describe feeling guilty about being at work and are often worried about not spending enough time at home with their children or husbands. Sometimes these women may then sacrifice social activities in order to be more present and this may reinforce feelings of isolation and imperfection.

Physically present but emotionally absent

Mothers may be distracted by these thoughts and feelings when they are with their children or husbands such that although they may be ‘physically present’ they are emotionally preoccupied and ‘unavailable’. This emotional absence will be felt, consciously and unconsciously by their children, husband and others. Equally, going out for a long dinner with a group of acquaintances may be more exhausting than and no longer as satisfying as having an hour-long coffee with just one friend.

How do we manage the demands of all of these competing roles and their psychological impact? These competing roles may come from our external world or our internal harsh self. Our internal demands on ourselves may be due to our own childhoods and the parenting we received.

How is it possible to find harmony for all of these activities and fulfill our own personal needs and achieve a sense of balance?

Quality is better than quantity

It is crucial to realize and to remember that quality can be far better than quantity. Quality time can compensate for quantity of time. Quality time is about fully engaging emotionally with others, for example your child, your husband, your friend or colleagues. It may also mean being entirely focused on what you are doing in the ‘here and now’ and by not being distracted by other things such as your work mobile.

Working towards achieving a balance between the often competing roles described above would help to create a more content and happier state of mind. As a consequence, the time you do spend with your loved ones would be more genuine and more enriching for all involved. Being a happy mother and wife is therefore far more conducive to constructing healthy family relationships. Equally, a happier colleague, executive or entrepreneur will be more motivated, productive and creative in the workplace. Furthermore, it is quality time, not quantity of time that helps to avoid disharmony and burn-out in the workplace thereby reducing absenteeism.

The key is to spend guilt-free quality time on aspects of your life that are important to you, including and not forgetting one-self. Investing in one-self, whether by doing exercise, having quiet time reading or going to therapy to explore issues can help to create a more grounded and balanced sense of self, integrating the unique needs and desires one may have.

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Do you need to re-evaluate the balance in your life? Download our free reflective questionnaire The Inventory for a Balanced Life to guide you toward holistic well-being.

Jennifer von Baudissin
Jennifer von Baudissin
Clinical Director and Psychodynamic Psychotherapist at The Psychiatry and Therapy Centre | Visit Website |  + posts

I am a Clinical Director at The Psychiatry and Therapy Centre and a Psychodynamic Psychotherapist. I am a member of UK Council for Psychotherapy.

Following from my Bachelors in Psychology I completed a five-year professional training program at WPF Therapy ( in London in 2006. WPF Therapy is recognized as one of the leading counseling and psychotherapy training organizations in the UK. This professional training is accredited by the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP, All psychodynamic psychotherapists from WPF Therapy undergo a long and intense personal therapy. UKCP require their members to have regular supervision and seek continuing personal development. Since moving to Dubai in 2008 I have worked in clinics, both in Dubai Healthcare City and Jumeirah, as well as at a University.

Apart from my clinical work, I am part of a Steering Committee for an online therapy research project, the importance of which has been exacerbated by the ongoing Covid19 pandemic. The project is being funded by a talking therapy based organization in the UK. In the last year, I joined the CPJA Race and Culture Committee of UKCP where I complement the Executive Team.

I also contribute in promoting mental health awareness in Nigeria and West Africa through education, supervision and mentoring.

Finally, I am also a well-being supervisor for an Employee Assistance Program in the UK.

Articles on may feature the advice of a licensed expert or other non-clinicians and is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment from a trained professional. In an emergency, please seek help from your local medical or law enforcement services.

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