self help blog dubai

10 Days of Practice – Self

10 Days of Practice: Self

Build a better relationship with yourself

self help blog dubai

You are the most important person in your life. You are the only person who is truly responsible to look after you. We believe that you are deserving, good and capable. You may be aware of how you are your own worst enemy and harshest critic. And, it may be helpful to learn when in your life you started to have these beliefs about yourself.

Fortunately, the good news is that you have an inherent capacity to be open, loving, curious and kind toward yourself. So, we want to help you gain access to this inherent capacity and inner wisdom.

We will help you gain confidence in yourself, help you find your worth and unleash your greatness through self-understanding by slowly cultivating a more balanced and nurturing relationship with all parts that make you YOU. 

Lack of self-care as an obstacle

Modern life is busy and carving out time for your own well-being may be a challenge. However, self-care is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Self-care is not (necessarily) about bubble baths or meditation. Self-care is about you making sure that you can get through the day and have something left in your mental reserve when you go to bed. It’s about the intention behind your actions. If you engage in “relaxing” activities without being mentally present, then you will not gain the intended benefits.

If you use up all your reserves, there will come a day when your mind and your body will no longer be able to function. Seneca has said ‘The mind should be allowed some relaxation, that it may return to its work all the better for the rest.’

Free Download

No matter how busy your days are, we believe that you will be able to fit in some time to recharge. We will help you find those pockets of peace and joy. This is the beginning. Subscribe below to receive your free 10 step programme to a happier you.
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