10 Days of Practice – Work

10 Days of Practice: Work

Build a better relationship with work

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You spend your best hours at work and with work. Everyone finds themselves in a relationship with work.

It doesn’t matter if you’re running a small business or if you’re sitting on the board of a multinational company.

You could be in the early stages of your career and in trial and error, trying to figure out what you want. Or, maybe you have been in your field of expertise for 20 plus years and planning your retirement.

No matter what stage in your career, you are in a relationship with your work, flirting with new ideas and finding ways to spice it up. Or you just want stability and security and a job you can rely on.

Some people are completely in love with work, while others feel completely trapped.

Your understanding of the role of work in your life affects you and everyone around you. Your work has a life of its own and is always changing and evolving with you.

We are here to guide you to find a healthy relationship with your work, one that comes from a place of freedom, choice, and curiosity and one that helps you cultivate creativity and play in the midst of uncertainty and in a world where many things are completely out of your hands.

We believe whether you’re in a position of power in your role at your company or at the mercy of “management,” you need to know and be true to yourself.

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